
作者: 迪夫Aradhya,花旗高级应用安全架构师
发表日期: 2024年5月31日
阅读时间: 4 分钟

在当今不断变化的威胁环境中, it is critical to have security woven as an essential feature and attribute of system and 过程 rather than being bolted on in reaction to security incidents. And to keep pace with the speed and scalability needs of rapid software development and deployment, 它是安全访问的必要条件, 敏捷和自动化. 这就是“安全即代码”(SaC)概念发挥作用的地方.

想象一个安全协议的世界, 配置和最佳实践 are not just manually implemented but are automated and integrated directly into every aspect of the software development lifecycle.


DevSecOps是一个编织开发的框架, 安全和运营团队, 以及它们的功能, into a cohesive unit that focuses on delivering high-quality secure code to meet the pace of business needs. 文化、协作和自动化是DevSecOps的关键要素.

因此,安全即代码是DevSecOps的基础构建块. SaC提供自动化, consistency and reliability of ensuring security in the DevSecOps ecosystem. It treats every security measure as code artifacts that are version-controlled, 与实际软件一起测试和部署.



需求: The security requirements for every security measure that requires automation are clearly defined. This includes specifying configurations, policies, rules and best practices.

工具和技术: The tools and technologies required for implementing SaC are identified and selected. 这包括静态代码扫描器, 配置管理工具, 秘密管理技术和漏洞分析.

自定义代码:量身定制的代码是用来编写安全控制的, 配置和最佳实践, 并将它们转换为可重用的代码模块.

版本控制和文档: 代码存储在版本控制系统中. 这确保了对代码的所有更改都被跟踪, 随着时间的推移记录和审计, 支持协作和持续改进.

管道集成: The codified security checks are integrated into various points in the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.

代码审查和安全测试: 就像它努力保护的软件一样, every line of the custom SaC code goes through reviews and security testing to provide assurance on its quality and security. This 过程 includes the use of static analysis tools, dynamic scanning tools and manual reviews.

监控:启用监控和审计机制,跟踪安全事件, 及时发现异常,确保符合安全策略. This includes Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools to centralize security logs and alert management.

持续改进和成熟: All elements of the SaC implementation are in the 过程 of continuous assessment and improvement. 不断变化的业务目标, 过程, improved tools and root cause analysis from security incidents serve as inputs to enhance the SaC program.


安全即代码的关键特性包括自动化, 编纂, 版本控制, 集成和可重用性. 这提供了几个好处,从而改进了安全状态, 运营效率, 组织的敏捷性. 这些好处包括:

安全问题的早期发现和补救: SaC allows security controls and checks to be integrated into the development pipeline, 支持早期检测安全漏洞和问题. By identifying and addressing security issues during the development 过程, organizations can reduce the likelihood of security breaches and minimize the associated risks.

一致性和标准化: SaC promotes consistency and standardization in security configurations and practices across development, 测试和生产环境. 通过将安全措施定义为代码构件, organizations can ensure that security policies are uniformly applied and enforced throughout the software development lifecycle.

敏捷性和效率: SaC自动化安全流程, 例如漏洞扫描, 合规检查, 配置管理, 从而提高敏捷性和效率.

可扩展性和灵活性:鉴于其法典化的性质, SaC可以轻松扩展以适应基础设施的变化, 应用程序和安全需求. This enables organizations to adapt security measures to evolving threats, 业务需求和法规要求.

改善协作和沟通: SaC促进发展之间的合作和沟通, security and operations teams by enabling cross-functional collaboration and shared responsibility for security.

增强的可见性和可审核性: The 编纂 and 版本控制 features of SaC provide visibility and enable organizations to track changes, 维护审计跟踪并更有效地证明合规性.

节约成本: 通过自动化重复任务和简化安全流程, organizations can optimize resource allocation and minimize operational overhead.

缩短产品上市时间假定安全性是自动化的,并且包含在管道中, organizations can reduce delays and expedite time-to-market for their applications and services.


Security-as-Code encompasses several other “-as-code" concepts and implementations.
All "-as-code" approaches share the core principle of SaC: automating 过程es with code for improved agility, 一致性和减少人为错误. 以下是一些关键概念:

Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC): 这种方法将基础设施定义为代码. 这允许自动提供和配置, 导致一致性, 效率和更容易管理. This can also include Network-as-Code (NaC) and Container Security-as-Code (CSaC).

Policy-as-Code (PaC): PaC defines security policies as code and can enable the 编纂 of individual policy statements. This allows for automated enforcement and easier integration with existing workflows.

Configuration-as-Code (CaC): CaC focuses on managing configurations of various systems and applications as code. 这确保了一致性并减少了手动配置中的错误.

Data-as-Code (DaC): DaC涉及到将数据资产作为代码进行管理和处理, 启用自动供应, 数据集的版本控制和部署. It facilitates data governance, collaboration and reproducibility in data-centric workflows.

保密代码管理(SMaC): SMaC focuses on managing and securely storing sensitive information such as passwords, 作为代码工件的API密钥和加密密钥. It ensures that secrets are managed consistently and securely across applications and environments.

作者简介: 迪夫Aradhya (Div-yuh Uh-RAHD-yuh) is a Senior Application Security Architect at Citi with a career spanning 20 years. 她拥有网络安全硕士学位以及CISM和CISSP认证. Divya职业生涯的前半段时间都在做c++和 .NET developer and then meandered into the application security and DevSecOps space. She works as a strong empathetic ally for the developer community even while diffusing security into every developer practice.

Divya热衷于保护数字资产, 保护儿童和老年人免受网络犯罪侵害, 并致力于使信息安全变得简单, 事实上的, 具有内在适应性.
